Summer camp in Gaithersburg
I have a comment regarding summer camp in Gaithersburg. Your summer camps rock. My child recently participated in the Panda Programmer Gaithersburg summer camp. It was 5 intense half-days of coding. Consequently my child loved it! Additionally the instructor made the topic fun and interesting for the children. Amazingly they actually taught 8 year old children programming. However they showed my child some amazing techniques. They used the Scratch programming language. As a result, it was a great experience, and we are looking forward to doing another summer day camp with Panda Programmer next year. And we prefer your summer camp in Gaithersburg if possible.
On another topic- Do you think you will be teaching in-school, after-school programs again this fall? I have heard many good things about Panda Programmer classes that are held in elementary and middle schools. And I heard that your curriculum allows students to progress from where they left their learning in previous classes. That’s a great system. I sure hope that the Montgomery county government (or MCPS) allows in-school after-school programs this coming fall. Otherwise, we’ll just come back to summer camps in Gaithersburg…
Thanks Panda Programmer!
Alice in Gaithersburg