April 2017

Panda Programmer at Kentlands Day?

I heard that Panda Programmer will be at Kentlands Day this year. Are you holding classes? Should I bring the kids to learn some coding?

Summer camp for computer class

Is there a summer camp for computers class? My 9 year old child wants to be a programmer.  🙂  I am looking for a summer camp situation for a week or 2 to give her a taste of computer programming.  But not just playing games, I want her to have instruction.  I’ve heard good things about kids learning Scratch.   Help?


masks in computer class

Summer Camp at Rachel Carson

Hi Panda Programmer I heard that you will be offering summer camps at Rachel Carson ES in the Kentlands (Gaithersbug) this summer. My child is currently enrolled in your after school class. Will they be continuing from where they left off, or will they be learning the material from the beginning? Thank you Jason from North Potomac