Panda Programmer is happy share some good news about the FTC
robots competition team that is sponsored by Panda: Last weekend, on Jan 21st, Team
#21814 (team ROR) had a great showing at the Qualifiers competition in Laurel,
and advanced to the Regionals competition on Feb 11th !
Out of 28 teams, the team took first place for the “Innovate”
award, 2nd place for the “Design” award, and 2nd place
for the “Inspire” award. Good job team
members! Both captains of the team are
graduates of Panda Programmers Coding classes for kids. Good luck team ROR at the Regionals!
The Winners!
Team ROR advances to compete in the Regionals competition on Feb 11th.
The competition field.
Each team consists of 2 robots and played against another team of 2 robots.
Last minute fixes to the robot
The team made some last minute fixes to the robot.
Judging session
The team described the design process for the robot