
Computer Camp in Montgomery County Maryland

Do you have a computer camp in Montgomery County, Maryland? Our children are in MCPS and have had enough of remote learning… We want them to attend a computer camp this summer, preferably in Gaithersburg, Silver Spring, or Bethesda.  We particularly like the idea of Maryland summer camps.  I would particularly like for my kids to learn coding or computer programming.  Perhaps Scratch would be good for them.  The idea of bringing them to a fun summer camp where they can code, make new friends, and have some outside time appeals to me.  

Ashley in Germantown

montgomery county maryland schools

Coding Summer Camp

Is there coding summer camp this year? I want my son to learn programming. JJ in Rockville

Coding Camp in Montgomery County

Does Panda Programmer offer coding camp in Montgomery County, Maryland? We are looking for a camp for our daughters (ages 8 and 10) where they can learn how to program. They have a little bit of experience coding in Scratch. Lynette M. Gaithersburg

Online Camp

Help! I was looking forward to having my child participate in one of your wonderful summer camps, but now everything seems to be cancelled… Do you have any online camps available in 2020? JS

Corona Virus

Help!  My kids are home with nothing (productive) to do!!  Is Panda Programmer offering any on-line classes to help parents and kids make it through the Corona virus shutdown period? Mike L

Learning Scratch

Panda Programmer:  Do you just teach Scratch for programming?  What if my child learns Scratch, is there anything else she can study?   Bob (Parent at Diamond ES)  

Summer Camp 2019

Hello Panda Programmer,

Have you announced dates yet for summer day camp 2019?  Also, what’s the deal with ukuleles and foreign language?? I thought this was primarily a coding camp?

Beth in Rockville


Summer camp in Gaithersburg

I have a comment regarding summer camp in Gaithersburg.  Your summer camps rock. My child recently participated in the Panda Programmer Gaithersburg summer camp. It was 5 intense half-days of coding.  Consequently my child loved it! Additionally the instructor made the topic fun and interesting for the children.  Amazingly they actually taught 8 year old children programming.  However they showed my child some amazing techniques.  They used the Scratch programming language. As a result, it was a great experience, and we are looking forward to doing another summer day camp with Panda Programmer next year.  And we prefer your summer camp in Gaithersburg if possible.

On another topic-  Do you think you will be teaching in-school, after-school programs again this fall?  I have heard many good things about Panda Programmer classes that are held in elementary and middle schools.  And I heard that your curriculum allows students to progress from where they left their learning in previous classes.  That’s a great system.  I sure hope that the Montgomery county government (or MCPS) allows in-school after-school programs this coming fall. Otherwise, we’ll just come back to summer camps in Gaithersburg…

Thanks Panda Programmer!

Alice in Gaithersburg

summer camp in gaithersburg

My son plays too many video games!

Hello Panda Programmer, It seems like my son just wants to sit on the couch and play video games all the time! Does a child need to want to program in order to succeed in your classes? Linda B Gaithersburg

Computer Programming for Kids

Hello, It is my understanding that MCPS does not teach computer programming to kids. At least not to elementary school aged kids. Is this true? Is Panda Programmer offering something that MCPS does not?  And do you offer anything for summer camp coding? Mary L.